From the Principal Tutor.

Stepping stones and stumbling blocks!

We all have areas of study over which we stumble, sometimes they are just ‘mental blocks’ that seem to get in the way. Perhaps these are areas or topics we missed through time off school, those facts or processes which simply did not gel in our minds, or those which seemed too difficult at the time. Or, dare I say, some which were never adequately taught.

Axminster Education [Ax-Ed] uses a step by step approach to cement and build on firm foundations in order to develop a solid understanding of each topic, which can then be applied with confidence.

For example, could you immediately say whether the number 513207 can be divided exactly by 3, 6 or 9? If not, you have already missed out on an important aspect of ‘number theory’ which can be useful throughout our lives.

Axminster Education classes and courses are clear and methodical in their approach. In all subjects, individual topics are taught separately to minimise confusion. e.g. cubes and cuboids are not taught immediately after quadrilaterals and their properties. Lengths, areas and volumes are not taught together. Keeping modules distinct in Maths and English helps to reinforce the content. They are combined only after the foundations have been learned and practised.

In English, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and grammar are built up lesson by lesson. Literary devices are introduced from KS2 and students are encouraged to use them in their writing i.e. simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, onomatopoeia etc. All students are encouraged to read widely.

Each lesson has clearly defined aims, whether it be to understand the term-to term rule in mathematical sequences, when to start a new paragraph or how to structure an essay. In every case, practice is the key to success.

Homework is set after each lesson, and is usually expected to be completed and returned two days before the next lesson in order to give time for marking. Any confusion or non-understanding can then be corrected in the subsequent lesson.

Test papers are sent with the homework at intervals in order to quantify progress. Test results and any other information about the student’s progress including areas which would benefit from further practise are sent to parent(s) / guardian(s) on a regular basis, but enquiries are welcome at any time especially if you have any specific concerns.

Whilst lessons are conducted in a ‘formal’style, the tutors are friendly and approachable. A lesson without smiles is a very bad lesson. Students are expected to be polite at all times. Background noise in the ‘classroom’ should be kept to a minimum.

The skills, knowledge and confidence imparted in our online lessons are for life, not just for exams!

If you have any further questions please contact Ax-Ed.

Peter Aves - Principal Tutor